Caroline Comby Ph.D., Physical Oceanographer |
OPLC Team (Océanographie Physique, Littorale et Côtière) MIO - Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Campus de Luminy, 13288 Marseille, France. |
Office: 26M / 156 E-mail: caroline.comby@mio.osupytheas.fr |
About Me |
I completed my Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography at the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (Marseille, FRANCE). My PhD research directly addressed the question of the vertical velocity measurements in the context of fine-scale dynamics. Combining instrumental development, field experiments, data analysis, and modeling, I worked to develop the best method for in situ measurement of vertical velocities. Thanks to this processing, my aim was to increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in fine-scale dynamics.
What's New ?!! |
25th - 28th June 2024 → Participation in CNRS workshop Ateliers Expérimentations et Instrumentation 2024, Rennes, France : Développement d'un profileur de vitesses verticales autonome : Innovation et Application aux campagnes océanographiques. poster 2023-11-27 → I defended my Ph.D. thesis (ED251 - Sciences de l'Environnement, Aix-Marseille University, France) on Vertical velocities and fine-scale dynamics. manuscript, slides 2023-11-21 → Comby, C., Petrenko, A., Estournel, C., Marsaleix, P., Ulses, C., Bosse, A., and Barrillon, S.: Near Inertial Oscillations and Vertical Velocities Modulating Phytoplankton After a Storm in the Mediterranean Sea, Journal of Water Resources and Ocean Science, 2023, 12 (2), pp.31-37, https://doi.org/10.11648/j.wros.20231202.12. 2023-10-06 → Fuda, J.-L., Barrillon, S., Comby, C., Doglioli, A., Le Gal, P., and Petrenko, A.: Estimating ocean vertical velocities using an autonomous multipurpose profiler, IEEE MetroSea, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1109/MetroSea58055.2023.10317407. 20th April - 15th May 2023 → BIOSWOT-Med cruise on board of the R/V Atalante: real time data analysis of vertical currentology in the Western Mediterranean Sea. 2023-02-13 → Interview for the SWOT-AdAC consortium. The new wave of oceanographers: Caroline Comby, link here. 2023-01-11 → Barrillon, S., Fuchs, R., Petrenko, A., Comby, C., Bosse, A., Yohia, C., Fuda, J.-L., Bhairy, N., Cyr, F., Doglioli, A., Gregori, G., Tzortzis, R., d'Ovidio, F., and Thyssen, M. : Phytoplankton reaction to an intense storm in the north-western Mediterranean Sea, Biogeosciences, 2023, 20, pp.141-161, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-20-141-2023. 2022-10-28 → Comby, C., Barrillon, S., Fuda, J.-L., Doglioli, A., Tzortzis, R., Gregori, G., Thyssen, M., and Petrenko, A.: Measuring vertical velocities with ADCPs in low-energy ocean, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 2022, 39 (11), pp.1669-1684, https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-21-0180.1. 9th - 26th September 2022 → PROTEVS-Gascogne cruise on board of the R/V Atalante: real time data analysis of vertical currentology in the Gulf of Gascogne. 2022-05-26 → Comby, C.,Petrenko A., Estournel, C., Marsaleix, P., Fuda, J.-L., Doglioli, A., Tzortzis, R., Grégori, G., Thyssen, M., Bosse, A., and Barrillon S.: Vertical velocities in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: combining in situ and modeling approach, EGU General Assembly 2022, hybrid, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3920, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3920, 2022. abstract, slides 19th April - 24th May 2022 → RESILIENCE cruise on board of the R/V Marion Dufresne: real time data analysis of currentology in the Mozambic Channel and off the coast of South Africa. 2022-03-03 → Comby, C., Barrillon, S., Fuda, J.-L., Doglioli, A., Tzortzis, R., Gregori, G., Thyssen, M., and Petrenko, A.: New insights for direct in situ measurement of oceanic vertical velocities in fine-scale studies, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, online, 27 Feb – 04 Mar 2022, https://osm2022.secure-platform.com/a/gallery/rounds/3/details/2273, 2021. abstract, slides 2021-10-09 → Conference (in french) for non specialist audience at the Fête de la Science 2021 Marseille. slides 2021-04-28 → Comby, C., Barrillon, S., Fuda, J.-L., Doglioli, A., Tzortzis, R., Gregori, G., Thyssen, M., and Petrenko, A.: New insights for direct in situ measurement of oceanic vertical velocities in fine-scale studies, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-4632, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4632, 2021. abstract, vPICO 2021-04-15 → Comby, C., Barrillon, S., Fuda, J.-L., Doglioli, A. M., Tzortzis, R., Gregori, G., Thyssen, M. and A. A., Petrenko. Nouvelles perspectives pour la mesure directe in situ des vitesses verticales océaniques dans les études à fine échelle. 28ème congrès des doctorants (ED251 - Sciences de l'Environnement, Aix-Marseille University, France). 14-15 April 2021 abstract, virtual poster 2020-10-01 → I started my Ph.D. (ED251 - Sciences de l'Environnement, Aix-Marseille University, France) on vertical velocities and fine-scale dynamics (Ph.D. advisors S. Barrillon and A. Petrenko) 2020-06-23 → I defended my Ph.D. candidature for the Doctoral College (ED251 - Sciences de l'Environnement, Aix-Marseille University, France). slides 2020-06-15 → I defended my Master's thesis (MS degree in Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography, OSU Phyteas, Aix-Marseille University, France). slides abstract |