DateFirst Name and Last NameInstitutionCountryEmailScientific ProjectComments
29/01/07 00:00 Andrea Doglioli MIO, Université d'Aix-Marseille France andrea.doglioli@univ-amu.fr WATERS Starting from the Wavelab library and ROMS tools we developed a set of MATLAB tools to analyze off-line the modeled circulation in the Cape Basin. In order to identify coherent eddy structures, horizontal slices of the vorticity field at successive time steps are decomposed with a wavelet technique, following a classical approach in image processing. With the ARIANE toolkit we study eddy displacements and we investigate the water masses involved in eddy formation.
29/01/07 00:00 Bruno Blanke LPO, CNRS France blanke@univ-brest.fr WATERS
29/01/07 00:00 Sabrina Speich LPO, UBO France speich@univ-brest.fr WATERS
29/01/07 00:00 Guillaume Lapeyre LMD, CNRS France glapeyre@lmd.ens.fr WATERS
16/04/07 19:27 Jose Pasapera
Peru jpasapera@imarpe.gob.pe

11/05/07 17:55 Clement Rousset
France Clement.Rousset@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr

04/07/07 18:07 Pierre Dutrieux
USA dutrieux@hawaii.edu

26/07/07 10:21 Nicolas Grima LPO, CNRS France Nicolas.Grima@univ-brest.fr

28/03/08 11:56 Anne-Cécile Dragon
France etud_guinet1@cebc.cnrs.fr

04/11/08 21:26 Coralie Perruche
France Coralie.Perruche@univ-brest.fr

28/11/08 10:27 Patrizia Degaetano Univesrsità di Genova Italy degaetano@fisica.unige.it

27/02/09 18:46 Francesco D'Ovidio
France francesco.dovidio@locean-ipsl.upmc.fr

26/03/09 19:28 Francesco Nencioli UCSB USA fnenc@uxc.isc.ucsb.edu

28/04/09 12:25 Ana Teles-Machado Institute of Oceanography, University of Lisbon Portugal ammachado@fc.ul.pt

10/08/09 14:21 Jouanno LPO France julien.jouanno@univ-brest.fr

07/10/09 11:28 Pierrick Penven IRD France Pierrick.Penven@ird.fr --- Salut Andrea, J\'espere que tu vas bien. Je te remercie pour avoir mis ton code en ligne. Je suis en train de tester differentes methodes pour une application pour les tourbillons du canal du mozambique.
05/03/10 02:16 Eung Kim KORDI Korea eung@kordi.re.kr
Northwestern Pacific Ocean Study on Environment and Interactions between Deep OceaN and marginal seas
17/03/10 08:17 Dakui Wang UMD U.S.A dwang@umces.edu Eddy tracking
22/03/10 15:54 Kersale Marion Centro de Oceanografia Lisboa marion1406@hotmail.fr COLLISION meddy seamounts
29/03/10 16:24 Joao Marcos Azevedo IFREMER France jmazeved@ifremer.fr
Reconstrucion de la structure verticale des tourbillons mesoechelle a partir des donnees Argo et satellites
29/03/10 17:57 Pennel UME, ENSTA ParisTech France romain.pennel@ensta.fr ToPIECC Doctorant avec A. Stegner (LMD) et K. Béranger (ENSTA), j\'étudie l\'influence de la topographie sur les instabilités de courants côtiers, la formation de tourbillons et les échangs côtes -larges. A. Petrenko a mentionné WATERS ce matin à la réunion TANGGO, et j\'aimerais etudier la possibilité d\'utiliser WATERS avec ma recherche. Je peux vous tenir au courant des travaux réalisés.
30/06/10 20:41 Martin Saraceno CIMA Argentina saraceno@cima.fcen.uba.ar Eddy detection in the brazil malvinas conflunce region I would like to test the routines on altimetry SSH data thank you
18/07/10 08:16 David Small Mcgill University Canada bigdavesmall@aol.com Eddies in atmospheric blocking Thanks
29/07/10 05:32 Carlos Teixieira SARDI/ UNSW Australia ocecept@gmail.com Ocean Dynamics of Spencer Gulf Dear Sirs; I\'m interested in the WATERS package as a possible tool to study the eddies propagation from a large gulf in the South Australia region.
04/08/10 15:20 Ana Cima- buenos aires\' university Argentina alifschitz@cima.fce.uba.ar Detection and tracking of eddies The research is part of my PhD. work.
06/08/10 08:51 Dakui Wang UMD USA tigerhpl@gmail.com

15/10/10 13:21 Fialho Nehama UCT South Africa fnehama@yahoo.com.br Modelling the Zambezi River Plumes I need to track the small-scale eddies generated as the freshwater enters the ocean in the Sofala Bank. Hope WATERS can be useful for that.Xx
15/10/10 17:32 Halo University of Cape Town South-Africa haloissufo@gmail.com Modelling Mesoscale eddies in the Mozambique Channel Modelling Mesoscale eddies in the Mozambique Channel. Eddy tracking
05/11/10 11:43 Nicholas Summons University of Melbourne Australia nicksummons@gmail.com PhD research Explore if better option for 3D eddy tracking than current method being used
08/11/10 10:54 Delphine Fernandez Bruyère Ifremer France delphine.fernandez@ifremer.fr Eddy modeling in North Western Mediterranean sea Eddy modeling in North Western Mediterranean sea. Eddy climatology thanks to eddy tracking in this area
13/12/10 10:01 Kersalé LOPB France marion.kersale@univmed.fr LATEX Test with delphine
29/12/10 07:47 Hyun-Min EOM INHA University KOREA hyunslife@nate.com Private research I study wave transform.
03/01/11 16:13 Wilton arruda UFRJ Brazil wiltonza@gmail.com Eddies in SW Atlantic
05/01/11 16:55 Jiaxun li Nanjing University China lijiaxun2009@yahoo.com.cn Ocean eddy; internal wave I have read your paper carefully and interested in your ideas and ways in detecting eddies using wavelet.
11/01/11 16:15 Peter jackson Ocean department USA jackson@yahoo.com Oceanic eddies and fronts Very nice software
09/02/11 10:02 Renault Socib/imedea Spain lrenault@imedea.uib-csic.es Mesoscale variability in the balearic Sea Determine eddies carateristics, following trajectories
09/02/11 12:17 Fabien, Desbiolles SOCIB/IMEDEA/COM Spain fdbls@hotmail.fr Mesoscale activity in Balearic basin Finally, we should use WATERS during my internship.. many thanks Fabien
17/03/11 09:23 Dazhi Xu SCSIO China xudz2010@gmail.com Assimilation, eddy track To track the eddy on the results from assimilation.
17/03/11 17:39 David Villa LEGOS France david.villa-pascual@legos.obs-mip.fr OST-ST Studying eddies on SLA images trying to minimize their influence on the detection of Rossby waves
24/03/11 15:36 Milivoj Kuzmic Rudjer Boskovic Institute Croatia kuzmic@rudjer.irb.hr Adriatic Sea circulation and related issues Exploratory use of particle tracking concepts
27/04/11 16:04 Rui Caldeira CIMAR Portugal rcaldeira@ciimar.up.pt WAKES Track island generated eddies in NE Atlantic
10/05/11 10:30 Antoine Boyron LOPB France antoine.boyron@ens-lyon.fr Stage M1 Comparaison de l\'activité méso­Ã©chelle entre différents modèles numériques 3D de circulation
28/05/11 01:47 Miguel Angel Ahumada Sempoal Universidad del Mar México ahumada@angel.umar.mx Modelado Numérico de la Circulación en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental con énfasis en el Golfo de Tehuantepec Actualmente se tiene configurado el ROMSTOOLS y se están haciendo simulaciones con diferentes escenarios. Como parte de estos estudio se pretende hacer un seguimiento sistemático de los remolinos generados en el Golfo de Tehuantepec y que se mueven preferencialmente hacia el oeste.
26/06/11 04:18 Julio Sheinbaum CICESE, Physical Oceanography Mexico julios@cicese.mx Modelling Caribbean-Sea Gulf of Mexico Track Caribbean and Loop Current eddies comparison with other methods
07/07/11 09:09 Shyni Npol India shyninandatn@gmail.com Saral Altika To study the meso scale features in the indian coastal waters
23/08/11 18:37 Jack Pickering UOP England jack.pickering@plymouth.ac.uk NEMO Tracking eddies migration in the Black Sea
01/09/11 03:06 Young Ro Chungnam National University S. Korea royoungj@cnu.ac.kr Physical Oceanography Tools you developed will benefit many researchers outside. I appreciate your efforts.
27/09/11 14:35 Vidya P J National Institute of Oceanography India pjvidya@gmail.com Impact of mesoscale eddies on the variabilty of Biogenic flux in the bay of Bengal I would like to use the above alogithm to identify mesoscale eddies in the Bay of Bengal
17/11/11 23:07 Clement Ubelmann JPL USA clement.ubelmann@jpl.nasa.gov SWOT Test eddy-tracking in a high resolution ROMS simulation
23/02/12 10:56 Niranjan NARL India nirukin2003@gmail.com Atmospheric Dynamics I need to use the software for calculation of circulation index
28/02/12 23:01 Bastien Queste University of East Anglia UK b.queste@uea.ac.uk Seaglider quantification of a Ross Sea bloom using oxygen budgets A la recherche d\'un script matlab incorporant l\'objective analysis method decrite dans: A Method for Optimal Analysis of Fields With Spatially Variable Mean (Le Traon, PY)
07/03/12 16:43 Dagmar Kieke University of Bremen Germany dkieke@physik.uni-bremen.de North Atlantic Tracking of eddies in the North Atlantic
16/03/2012 01:14 Ru Chen MIT USA ruchen@mit.edu Eddies in the ECCO2 state estimate I plan to track the eddies from the ECCO2 model and simplified ocean models using this package.
06/06/12 09:07 Pablo Otero IEO Spain pablo.otero@co.ieo.es RAIA I would like to have a look to the code. I am interesting in implementing similar algorithms to my tools.
08/08/12 14:48 F. Schuette GEOMAR Germany fschuette@geomar.de Tracking mesoscale Eddies in the northeast Atlantic Tracking mesoscale Eddies in the northeast Atlantic.
16/08/12 13:29 steven ho Zhejiang ocean university China haomenershao@163.com Eddy dynamic I want to detect east china sea eddy
02/10/12 12:18 Daijiro Kobashi Griffith University Australia d.kobashi@griffith.edu.au Role of a western boundary current in the coastal water The project aims to understand dynamic connectivity between the East Australia Current and coastal circulation
02/02/13 15:02 Andrea Devis Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia adevismo@hotmail.com Mesoscale eddies in the Caribbean Sea from ROMS We wan to evaluate this analysis and if possible use it as another method for eddy tracking. This is for my postdoctoral fellowship
27/02/13 22:18 Peter Gross H.S.R.C. Canada peter.hsrc@gmail.com Ocean Eddy Micro-nutrients Interested in your matlab tools for ocean eddy study. Cheers.
08/04/13 11:13 H Runghen MOI Mauritius hrunghen@moi.intnet.mu Eddy tracking in SWIO Eddy tracking in the South West Indian Ocean (Mozambique Channel in particular)
01/05/13 10:19 Prescilla Kurien Indian Institute of Sciences India prescy@caos.iisc.ernet.in Mesoscale Eddy studies To identify the eddies of Bay of Bengal<
05/09/13 04:05 Jibao Liu Xiamen University China heh_sio@hotmail.com Mesoscale Eddy Automatic Detection Just a reference about Mesoscale Eddy Automatic Detection
13/09/13 05:43 RIYANKA ROY CHOWDHURY IIT KHARAGPUR INDIA riyanka1989@gmail.com High resolution bay of bengal circulation I want to analyze mesoscale eddies in bay of bengal region
11/10/13 00:41 David Foley NOAA USA dave.foley@noaa.gov Marine Habitat Identification Nice
14/10/13 16:43 Sebastian Krieger Insituto Ocenoagráfico, Universidade de São Paulo Brazil sebastian.krieger@usp.br My Ph.D. thesis I am interested in the WATERS package for my Ph.D. thesis which is focused on the evolution on meso-scale eddies and Rossby waves and their impact in ocean color derived chlofophyll-a concentration.
19/11/13 08:28 Julie Rimaud LPO - Brest France julie.rimaud@univ-brest.fr These These: Impact des interactions ocean-atmosphere sur les structures oceaniques mesoechelles formant la fuite des aiguilles. interessee par WATERS pour suivre et analyser tourbillon en 3D !
21/11/13 13:49 Jeanne CASTILLE Fac des Sciences de Luminy FRANCE jeanne.castille0101@gmail.com Stage de licence Je souhaite le télécharger pour tester ses fonctionnalités.
11/12/13 10:51 Farrah Hanifah Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) Indonesia hanifahfarrah@gmail.com Master Thesis I want to analyze ocean eddy in southern Java seas with hidrodynamic model 3D And I want to plot the eddy 3D with WATERS Thank You
23/12/13 12:06 Xiaoqun Cao Nanjing University China caoxiaoqun@aliyun.com Data Assimilation Thank you
01/04/2014 23:46:58Marcela ContrerasUDECChilemarcecontreras@udec.clStudy of eddies in central chileThanks!
09/04/2014 20:47:47JeanneAix-marseilleFrancejeanne.castille0101@gmail.comWATER projectStage effectue sur le logiciel WATER
19/04/2014 13:44:54Jose PasaperaUniversidad del AltiplanoPUNO-PERUjpasapera-ggmas@gmail.comWater Project of LakeThank you
30/04/2014 04:57:03Weijie liSouth China Sea Institute of OceanologyCHINAjayway@scsio.ac.cnMesoscale and submesoscale processes in the South China SeaThanks
12/05/2014 00:50:22Alexander valdenegroIFOPChilealexander.valdenegro@ifop.clAMERBI work with hidrodynamyc model (mike3) in mesoscales on the matter and heat transfers between the coastal zone and the open ocean(Pacific)
14/05/2014 14:41:45Jose PasaperaUniversidad del AltiplanoPUNO-PERUjpasapera-ggmas@gmail.comMesoscale Dynamic off Peru CoastCharacterisation mesoscale dynamic off Peru Coast.
30/05/2014 07:58:06Subhra Prakash DeyIIT KharagpurIndiasubhra@coral.iitkgp.ernet.inPhD studentI need to track ocean eddies over Northern Indian Ocean for contrasting monsoon years.
06/06/2014 13:31:24SunilAndhra UniversityIndiasunil98@gmail.comResearcherWe want to study the formation of eddies near to our coastal region.
11/06/2014 04:34:33Ye HaibinSCSIOChinahbye@scsio.ac.cnSCS eddyImpact of eddy on ocean primary productivity
28/01/2015 15:43Maxence paulImperial college londonUnited kingdommaxence.paul@gmail.comGEOTRACESI would like to identify the Agulhas rings for the GEOTRACES cruise GA10
23/02/2015 19:30Sheila Estrada-AllisUNiversity of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ULPGCSpainsheila.estrada103@doctorandos.ulpgc.esPhD Thesis. Mesoscalar eddies south of Canary Island using eddy-resolving ROMS solutionI'm interesting in the diameter of elliptical anticyclonic eddies simulated with eddy-resolving ROMS configurations and a lagrangian software (Roff) by means of wavelet analysis and I hope WATERS could help me in extracting the diameter of different eddy-shapes. Thank you sou much.
16/03/2015 17:52Anja EggertLeibniz Institute for Baltic Sea ResearchGermanyanja.eggert@io-warnemuende.deGENUSQuantify mesoscale structures off Namibia.
18/03/2015 09:16Hirohiti RaapotoMIOFrancehirohiti.raapoto@mio.osupytheas.frMarquesasMarquesas
29/05/2015 14:39:40Fernando NIÑOLEGOSFrancefernando.nino@legos.obs-mip.frObsMedSalut !
11/06/2015 17:42:11Sorayda TANAHARAUniversity of Baja CAMexicostanahara@uabc.edu.mxLecture in OceanographyAs professor in Physical Oceanography I have a couple of students interested in eddy dynamics. I am a ROMS user, and numerical results are attractive to students. So, my interest is to show some modelling tools as yours.
24/07/2015 11:44:55Sow MoustaphaUniversité Assane Seck de ZiguinchorSenegalmscphdsow.2015@gmail.comTraining ROMSThank's for help
05/01/2016 05:43:10Erick FredjLev Academic CenterIsraelfredj@jct.ac.ilEddy TrackingWe try to track eddies in the MAB
09/03/2016 10:13:51PHAM HAI ANInstitute of Marine Environment and ResourcesVIET NAManph@imer.ac.vnOCEANOGRAPHYWhen I joined training about Symponie model in USTH university during 29/2-4/3/2016 (Viet Nam), I find more information about it and I see your web-home. I think your tool - it is useful for me and I hope I can get it. Thank you so much.
19/05/2016 15:51:56Sow MoustaphaLOSECSENEGALcypriano85@gmail.comPHDTHanks
28/05/2016 03:31:17Miao SunOucCHINAmiaomiao_1987qq@126.comMesoscale eddy trackingThanks for your sharing and it will be only used as scientific research
28/05/2016 05:38:03Ramkrushn PatelUniversity of TasmaniaAustraliaramkrushnbhai.patel@utas.edu.auThe Physical and Bio-optical structure of the Southern oceanI will use this tool to identify eddies over the SO using model output
26/06/2016 01:58:08Eyram ApetchoGEOMARGERMANYeapetcho@geomar.deOMZ dynamics modelingNone
27/06/2016 10:32:57Eyram ApetchoGEOMARGERMANYeapetcho@geomar.deOMZ dynamics modelingNone
27/07/2016 20:33:15MajidMohammadianCanadaamohamma@uottawa.caResearchSimulation
09/08/2016 01:41:17JimmiXSSZLPprLYQCaWNYjimos4581rt@hotmail.comVYXzGP http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7kjQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.comVYXzGP http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7kjQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.com
12/08/2016 20:02:27JimmiXSTmISxBXwlDZrNYjimos4581rt@hotmail.comSBEPFK http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7kjQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.comSBEPFK http://www.FyLitCl7Pf7kjQdDUOLQOuaxTXbj5iNG.com