%%%%% LATEXtools package %%%%%

% LATEXtools is free software; it is distributed in
% the hope that it will be useful, but without any
% warranty. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License
% as published by the Free Software Foundation at
% http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

Directory listing

LATEXtools_0.0.tar.gz8.1Mb2013-06-24 10:45!!! First official release !!!
LATEXtools_0.0_beta3.tar.gz8.1Mb2013-05-28 09:55Third version concomitant with the second submission of the revised JAOT paper. Software for numerical tests of the hypothesis of no rotation.
LATEXtools_0.0_beta2.tar.gz5.6Mb2012-12-27 22:51Second version concomitant with the submission of the revised JAOT paper. Update of Contents.m and more comments in English.
LATEXtools_0.0_beta.tar.gz5.2Mb2012-09-04 14:27Very first version concomitant with to the first submission of the JAOT paper.
