LATEXtools Users

DateFirst Name and Last NameInstitutionCountryEmailScientific ProjectComments
2013-03-04 11:06:00Andrea DoglioliMIOFranceandrea.doglioli@univ-amu.frLATEXfirst official release
22/02/2013 15:10:28Nicolas GrimaLPO-CNRSFranceNicolas.Grima@univ-brest.frLATEX (of course :-)Beta tester
25/02/2013 10:02:44Louise RousseletCOMFrancelouise.rousselet@etu.univ-amu.frStageStage
07/03/2013 16:46:04Pascal ConanLOMICFrancepascal.conan@obs-banyuls.frDeWEX-MerMeXFaire un suivi d\'une strucutre méso-échelle au cours de la campagne DeWEx2
08/03/2013 22:00:57Anne PetrenkoMIOFranceanne.petrenko@univ-amu.frLATEXTester
18/03/2013 14:23:51Xavier de MadronCEFREMFrancedemadron@univ-perp.frDEWEXPour utiliser lors du Leg 2 de DEWEX afin de suivre les structures à sub-mésoéchelle.
18/03/2013 14:27:00Loïc HoupertCEFREMFranceloic.houpert@univ-perp.FrDEWEXLeg 2 de dewex
06/04/2013 15:23:07Maxime MartinacheMIOFrancemaxime.martinache@etu.univ-amu.frSortie en Mer OPB 201Hi, I need to use Latextools in order to draw the concentration of ammonium near cortiou Thanks Cordially
08/04/2013 11:47:25Marion KersaléMIOFrancemarion.kersale@univ-amu.frLATEX sf6Merci
10/04/2013 08:22:04Maxime martinacheMIOFrancemaxime.martinache@etu.univ-amu.frPHYBIO
21/08/2013 22:07:00Haidi ChenUniversity of Wisconsin, MadisonUSAhchen224@wisc.eduTo study the submeoscale process and how they influence chlorophyll distributionI plan to adapt the code and see how geostrophic flow advect the tracer from satellite and ISQG resolved flow influence the tracer
23/08/2013 07:41:00SgrenSCSIO,CASChinarsg626@126.comStirring, Mixing and LCSs in the South China Sea LCSs and their biological and environmental impacts in the South China Sea
04/11/2013 10:57:00Andrea CostaAix-Marseille UniversitéFranceandrea.costa@univ-amu.frCoCoNetMPAs connectivity
26/11/2013 16:14:00Paulo CalilFURGBrazilpaulo.calil@furg.brInvestigation of coastal flows in the South AtlanticDynamics of coastal plumes and wind-driven motion on the shelf.
12/12/2013 12:44:46Oms Pierre-EmmanuelEtudiant à L\'OSU PytheasFranceomspe@hotmail.frRapport de M2Je voudrais à l\'aide de certains de vos scripts pouvoir apprendre à interpoler des donner et les visualiser sur une carte tout sa sur Matlab.
23/12/2013 11:59:54Xiaoqun CaoNanjing UniversityChinacaoxiaoqun@aliyun.comData AssimilationThank you for sharing
09/01/2014 09:12:34Anne PetrenkoMIOFranceanne.petrenko@univ-amu.frLATEXMersea :)
13/01/2014 15:31:53Bedoui khaledENITTunisiabedoui_khaled@yahoo.frMasterKk
11/03/2014 17:15:30Rousselet LouiseUniversité Aix-MarseilleFrancelouise.rousselet@etu.univ-amu.frMission OUTPACEI need the more recent version of LATEXtools to work on for the preparation of the OUTPACE mission.
25/03/2014 14:29:07FraysseMarionFrancemarion.fraysse@univ-amu.frEnseignement masterPréparation TD OPB201 , merci !
20/04/2014 19:21:08Moyses magañaUniversidad de valparaisoChilemoyses.magana@postgrado.uv.clEddy DetectionEddy Detection
22/04/2014 14:24:44Hammami FaycelFaculté des sciences TunisTunisfaicel_ham.mami@yahoo.frFluide mécaniqueI wish to have a version of the license if it is possible
12/05/2014 00:46:26Alexander valdenegroIFOPChilealexander.valdenegro@ifop.clAMERBI work with numerical model (MIKE3) mesoscales on the matter and heat transfers between the coastal zone and the open ocean
26/05/2014 07:23:40Tang YunlongBITChinaks669@126.comHydromechanicsIt is very good ,thank you
04/03/2015 11:51Erick fredjJctIsraelerick.fredj@gmail.comMaracoosEddy detections
10/04/2015 15:08Kate AdamsPlymouth dye experiment in Southern Ocean measuring submesoscale processes
17/07/2015 23:27Alexander valdenegroIFOPCHILEalexandervaldenegro@gmail.comAMERBLarval trasport
30/10/2015 21:31Guillaume NovelliUniversity of for large scale deployments of surface drifters
09/03/2016 10:13:46PHAM HAI ANInstitute of Marine Environment and ResourcesVIET I joined training about Symponie model in USTH university during 29/2-4/3/2016 (Viet Nam), I find more information about it and I see your web-home. I think your tool - it is useful for me and I hope I can get it. Thank you so much.
24/04/2016 20:23:16Ledoyen Pierre-AndréStudent at MIO TOULONLa CIotatpierre.ledoyen@gmail.comProjetProjet
19/05/2016 15:54:41Sow MoustaphaLOSECSENEGALcypriano85@gmail.comPHDThanks
23/06/2016 03:53:08Qiong XiaIOCASChinaxiaqiong2014@gamil.comLCSI want to use it to detect LCS
26/06/2016 02:00:46Eyram ApetchoGEOMARGERMANYeapetcho@geomar.deOMZ dynamics modelingNone
31/05/2023 10:42:00Mustapha OuhssainKAUSTSaudi will use Latextools to setup a strategy sampling in the Red Sea where I have HF-radar and gliders sampling