Dr Dominique LEFEVRE

Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO).

CNRS UMR 7294 Ð IRD 235 - Aix-Marseille UniversitŽ

Parc Scientifique et Technologique de Luminy, Case 901


Nationality : French

13288 Marseille Ð France


Date of birth : 25-02-1964

Phone : Tel: +33(0)4 86 09 05 14




Marital Status : Married, two children


Work experience

1996-2010         Research scientist CNRS (CR1). Biological CO2 and O2 fluxes

1993-1996 :       Research Officer. Marine microbial processes, organic matter transfer, community respiration and photosynthesis. University of Wales, Bangor, School of Ocean Sciences, UK.


Scientific production

                        54 peered reviewed paper

                        84 communications to national or international meeting. 4 as invited speaker.


Reviewing on a regular basis for 4 journal

Reviewing laboratory activity.


Student supervison

                        PhD thesis supervision (4)

                        MASTER supervision (10)

                        BTS supervison (8)

                        Engineer supervision (2)

                        ITA (1)

Field experience

Contribution to 34 oceanographic cruises on French or foreign research vessel. Over 850 days at sea.

Setting up bacterial chemostat on relation to environmental changes

Developing new tools for measuring in situ oxygen dynamics deployed on moorings.


Administrative activity

Member of the CNFC scientific committee [CNRS] (2007-...)

Member of Laboratory scientific committee (2007-2011)

Member of the French SCOR panel. (2005 - ...)

Member of the French EMSO IR panel. (2012 - ...)




Co direction of the ÒEcole doctorale des Sciences de lÕenvironnement, EDSE251 È (2006-2011)


Teaching activity

2013-                Lecture on Oxygen tracer s in the sea (4 hours yearly - OPB)

2012-                Lecture on O2 dynamics in the ocean (4 hours yearly - OPB)

2006 -               Lecture on marine biogeochemistry Master level (50 hours) June 2006,

University of Alger, Algeria

2005-2010         Introduction to the life at sea on an austral research vessel. Primary school.

Research in oceanography.

1992-1993 :       Temporary junior lecturer.

                        University of  Aix-Marseille II, Centre d'OcŽanologie de Marseille (OSU). Lecturing in Biostatistics, hydrology and microbiology.

1989-1992 :       Lecturing training course.

                        C.I.E.S. (Initiation centre for lecturing), University of Aix-Marseille II, Sciences Faculty of Luminy, Marseille (France). Lecturing in Biostatistics.

1982-1987 :       Housemaster in secondary school for professional training and technical training (France)




1989-1993 :       PhD Thesis in Oceanology :, University of Aix-Marseille II,

1992           :     Course of European Institute of Advanced Studies in Oceanography, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in oceanic frontal structure, Bangor, Wales, UK.

1988-1989 :       ÒDEA d'OcŽanologieÓ : University of Aix-Marseille II (France),

1987-1988 :       Computing course. CNED (French Open University).

1986-1987 :       ÒMa”trise de Biologie des OrganismesÓ : University of Lille, France.

1985-1986 :       ÒLicence de Biologie des OrganismesÓ : University of Lille I France.

1981-1985 :       ÒDEUG  : Sciences de la Nature et de la VieÓ : University of Amiens, France.

1978-1981 :       Bachelor, Mathematics and Physics, Beauvais, France.


Other activities

1989-1995 :       Experience of research work at sea. Lecturing undergraduate students.

1987-1988 :       Military Obligation in the French army

1978-1982 :       Summer job in factories (Tyres, Warehouse, Mechanic, ...)