Curriculum vitae

Scientific Distinction
November '05 - "Pierre Faurre" Prize, from the French Academy of Sciences
Specialization :    Mathematical Ecology and Modelling

My background is in mathematics and more precisely in geometry. I started to apply some geometrical methods to the study of ecological models in my PhD thesis. Now, I'm working in the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (MIO), in the team dealing with Marine Ecology and Biodiversity. My group develops and applies mathematical methods to analyse marine ecosystems. I am interested in dynamical systems theory and its applications in ecology.  I'm also tying to promote the field of Theoretical Biology, I'm a member of the French speaking Society of Theoretical Biology (SFBT), of the European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB), of the Society of Mathematical Biology (SMB) and of the French Society of Mathematics (SMF).


        Sex: male. Status: married with Bénédicte Noël, we have one daughter (Audrey) and one son (Gaëtan). Nationality: French.     
9 april '67
Birth in Paris (France)
Sept '86 - Sept '92
Study Mathematics at University of Burgundy (Dijon - France)
Specialization: differential geometry and bifurcation theory

Sept '92-December '94
PhD Thesis, supervised by Prof. Robert Roussarie and Prof. Pierre Auger.
Title : "Application of invariant manifolds to population dynamics".
University of Burgundy (Dijon - France)

January '95-September 95
Post-Doc position in Lausanne (Swiss), at the Institute of Animal Ecology, in collaboration with Prof. Roger Arditi

September '95 -  September  '05
Assistant professor at the Mediterranean University (Marseille - France).

May '02
          Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (*.ps or *.pdf)

September '05 - 
Professor at Aix-Marseille University  (France).