MIO  Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography 

Dr. Christian Tamburini

MIO - Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography

UM110 CNRS / IRD / Aix Marseille Université / Université de Toulon
Campus de Luminy, Case 901
163 Avenue de Luminy
13288 Marseille Cedex 09 - FRANCE

Tel.: +33 4 860 90 519



Thème de recherche :
Océanographie microbienne des domaines océaniques intermédiaire et profond
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Peer-review articles

* Supervised PhD students and post-doc 

45. Garel M.*, Bonin P., Martini S., Guasco S.,  Roumagnac M., Bhairy N., Armougom F., Tamburini C., 2019. Pressure-retaining sampler and high-pressure systems to study deep-sea microbes under in situ confitions. Frontiers in Microbiology: 10, 453. DOI: 10.3389/FMICB.2019.00453. Full text here

44. Tanet L*, Tamburini C, Baumas C, Garel M, Simon G, Casalot L (2019) Bacterial bioluminescence: light emission in Photobacterium phosphoreum is not under quorum-sensing control. Frontiers in Microbiology 10: 365. DOI: 10.3389/FMICB.2019.00365. Full text here

43. Belahbib H, Summers ZM, Fardeau M-L, Joseph M, Tamburini C, Dolla A, Ollivier B, Armougom F (2018). Towards a congruent reclassification and nomenclature of the thermophilic species of the genus Pseudothermotoga within the order Thermotogales. Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 41(6): 555-563. DOI: 10.1016/J.SYAPM.2018.04.007

42. Riou V*, Para J, Garel M, Guigue C, Al Ali B, Santinelli C, Lefèvre D, Gattuso JP, Goutx M, Jacquet S, Le Moigne F, Tachikawa K, Tamburini C. (2017). Biodegradation of Emiliania huxleyi Aggregates by natural prokaryotic communities under increasing hydrostatic pressure. Progress in Oceanography. In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2017.01.005
41. Durrieu de Madron X., Ramondenc S., Berline L., Houpert L., Bosse A., Martini S., Guidi L., Conan P., Curtil C., Delsaut N., Kunesch S., Ghiglione J.F., Marsaleix P., Pujo-Pay M., Séverin T., Testor P., Tamburini C. and the ANTARES collaboration (2017). Deep sediment resuspension and thick nepheloid layer generation by open-ocean convection. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans. Accepted for publication.

40. Martini S, Michotey V, Casalot L, Bonin P, Guasco S, Garel M, Tamburini C (2016) Bacteria as part of bioluminescence emission at the deep ANTARES station (North-Western Mediterranean Sea) during a one-year survey. Deep Sea Research I, 116: 33–40

39. Severin T., Sauret C., Boutrif M.*, Duhaut T., Kessouri F., Oriol L., Caparros J., Pujo-Pay M., Durieu de Madron X., Garel M., Tamburini C., Conan P., Ghiglione J.F. (2016) Impact of an intense water column mixing (0-1500m) on prokaryotic diversity and activities during an open-ocean convection event in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Microbiology, 18 (12): 4378-4390

38. Zhang S.-D., Santini C.-L., Zhang W.-J., Barbe V., Mangenot S., Guyomar C., Garel M., Chen H.-T., Li X.-G., Yin Q.-J., Zhao Y., Armengaud J., Gaillard J.-C., Martini S.*, Pradel N., Vidaud C., Alberto F., Médigue C., Tamburini C., Wu L.-F. (2016) Genomic and physiological analysis reveals versatile metabolic capacity of deep-sea Photobacterium phosphoreum ANT-2200. Extremophiles:1–10

37. Amrani A., van Helden J., Bergon A., Aouane A., Ben Hania W., Tamburini C., Loriod B., Imbert J., Ollivier B., Pradel N., Dolla A. (2016). Deciphering the adaptation strategies of Desulfovibrio piezophilus to hydrostatic pressure through metabolic and transcriptional analyses. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 8(4): 520–526. https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-2229.12427

36. Smedile F., Scarfi S., De Domenico E., Garel M., Glanville H., Gentile G., Cono V., Tamburini C., Giuliano L. and Yakimov M. (2015). Variations in Microbial Community Structure through the Stratified Water Column in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Central Mediterranean). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 3 (3): 845-865. DOI:10.3390/jmse3030845

35. Fang J., Zhang L., Li J., Kato C., Zhang Y., Tamburini C., Wang G., Wang F. and Dang H. (2015). The POM-DOM piezophilic microorganisms continuum (PDPMC) – the role of piezophilic microorganisms in the global ocean carbon cycle. Science China (Earth Sciences), 58 (1): 106-115. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-014-4985-2

34. Giering SLC, Sanders R, Lampitt RS, Anderson TR, Tamburini C, Boutrif M*, Zubkov MV, Marsay CM, Henson SA, Saw K, Cook K, Mayor DJ (2014) Reconciliation of the carbon budget in the ocean's twilight zone. Nature, 507: 480-483. doi:10.1038/nature13123.

33. Martini S.*, Nerini D., Tamburini C. (2014) Relation between deep bioluminescence
and oceanographic variables: a statistical analysis using time-frequency decompositions.
Progress in Oceanography 127: 117 - 128. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.07.003

32. Amrani A., Bergon A., Holota H., Tamburini C., Garel M., Ollivier B., Imbert J., Dolla A., Pradel N. (2014). Transcriptomics reveal several gene expression patterns in the piezophile Desulfovibrio hydrothermalis in response to hydrostatic pressure. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106831. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106831

31. Zhang SD, Barbe V, Garel M, Zhang W-J, Chen H, Santini C-L, Murat D, Jing H, Zhao Y, Lajus A, Martini S*, Pradel N, Tamburini C, Wu L-F (2014) Genome sequence of luminous piezophile, Photobacterium phosphoreum ANT-2200. Genome Announcements 2 (2): e00096-14.

30. van Haren H. et al. (2014) High-frequency internal wave motions at the ANTARES site in the deep Western Mediterranean. Ocean Dynamics, 64:507–517. DOI: 10.1007/s10236-014-0702-0

29. Tamburini C, Canals M, Durieu de Madron X, Houpert L, Lefèvre D, Martini S*, D'Ortenzio F, Robert A*, Testor P and the ANTARES collaboration (2013) Deep-sea bioluminescence blooms after dense water formation at the ocean surface. PLoS ONE 8 (7): e67523. Full text.
Papier primé par la 11ème edition du Prix La Recherche en 2014. Prix special du Jury.

28. Martini S*, Al Ali B*, Garel M, Nerini D, Grossi V, Casalot L, Cuny P, Tamburini C (2013) Effects of hydrostatic pressure on growth and luminescence of a moderately-piezophilic luminous bacteria Photobacterium phosphoreum ANT-2200. PLoS ONE 8 (6): e66580.  Full text

27. Tamburini C., Boutrif M.*, Garel M., Colwell R.R., and Deming J.W. (2013) Prokaryotic responses to hydrostatic pressure in the ocean - a review. Environmental Microbiology 15 (5): 1262-1274. Abstract

26. Schroeder K, Millot C, Bengara L, Ben Ismail S, Bensi M, Borghini M, Budillon G, Cardin V, Coppola L, Curtil C, Drago A, El Moumni B, Font J, Fuda JL, Garcia-Lafuente J, Gasparini GP, Kontoyiannis H, Lefevre D, Puig P, Raimbault P, Rougier G, Salat J, Sammari C, Sanchez Garrido JC, Sanchez-Roman A, Sparnocchia S, Tamburini C, Taupier-Letage I, Theocharis A, Vargas-Yanez M, Vetrano A (2013) Long-term monitoring programme of the hydrological variability in the Mediterranean Sea: a first overview of the HYDROCHANGES network. Ocean Science 9:301-324. Abstract

25. Pradel N., Ji B., Gimenez G., Talla E., Lenoble P., Garel M., Tamburini C., Fourquet P., Lebrun R., Bertin P., Denis Y., Pophillat M., Barbe V., Ollivier B., Dolla A. (2013) The first genomic and proteomic characterization of a deep-sea sulfate reducer: insights into the piezophilic lifestyle of Desulfovibrio piezophilus. PLoS ONE 8:e55130. Full text

24. Boutrif M*, Garel M, Cottrell MT, Tamburini C (2011) Assimilation of marine extracellular polymeric substances by deep-sea prokaryotes in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 3: 705-709.  Abstract, Full text (pdf format)

23. Ageron M. et al., 2011. ANTARES: The first undersea neutrino telescope. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 656. (1), 11-38

22. Khelaifia S., Fardeau M.-L., Pradel N., Aussignargues C., Garel M., Tamburini C., Cayol J.-L., Gaudron S., Gaill F., Ollivier B. (2011). Desulfovibrio piezophilus, sp. nov., a novel piezophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from wood falls in Mediterranean Sea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology: 61 (Pt 11): 2706-2711 Abstract.

21. The MERMEX group : Durrieu de Madron X, Guieu C, Sempéré R, Conan P, Cossa D, D'Ortenzio F, Estournel C, Gazeau F, Rabouille C, Stemmann L, Bonnet S, Diaz F, Koubbi P, Radakovitch O, Babin M, Baklouti M, Bancon-Montigny C, Belviso S, Bensoussan N, Bonsang B, Bouloubassi I, Brunet C, Cadiou JF, Carlotti F, Chami M, Charmasson S, Charrière B, Dachs J, Doxaran D, Dutay JC, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Eléaume M, Eyrolles F, Fernandez C, Fowler S, Francour P, Gaertner JC, Galzin R, Gasparini S, Ghiglione JF, Gonzalez JL, Goyet C, Guidi L, Guizien K, Heimbürger LE, Jacquet SHM, Jeffrey WH, Joux F, Le Hir P, Leblanc K, Lefèvre D, Lejeusne C, Lemé R, Loÿe-Pilot MD, Mallet M, Méjanelle L, Mélin F, Mellon C, Mérigot B, Merle PL, Migon C, Miller WL, Mortier L, Mostajir B, Mousseau L, Moutin T, Para J, Pérez T, Petrenko A, Poggiale JC, Prieur L, Pujo-Pay M, Pulido V, Raimbault P, Rees AP, Ridame C, Rontani JF, Ruiz Pino D, Sicre MA, Taillandier V, Tamburini C, Tanaka T, Taupier-Letage I, Tedetti M, Testor P, Thébault H, Thouvenin B, Touratier F, Tronczynski J, Ulses C, Van Wambeke F, Vantrepotte V, Vaz S, Verney R. Marine ecosystems' responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean. Progress In Oceanography 91: 97-166

20. van Haren et al. (2011) Acoustic and optical variations during rapid downward motion episodes in the deep north-western Mediterranean Sea. Deep Sea Research Part I 58: 875-884.

19. Grossi V, Yakimov MM, Al Ali* B, Tapilatu Y, Cuny P, Goutx M, La Cono V, Giuliano L, Tamburini C (2010) Hydrostatic pressure affects membrane and storage lipid compositions of the piezotolerant hydrocarbon-degrading Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus strain #5. Environmental Microbiology, 12: 2020-2033. Abstract, Full text (pdf format), [Journal home page]

18. Nagata T., Tamburini C., Arístegui J., Baltar F., Bochdansky A., Fonda-Umani S., Fukuda H., Gogou A., Hansell D.A., Hansman R.L., Herndl G., Panagiotopoulos C., Reinthaler T., Sohrin R., Perdugo P., Yamada N., Yamashita Y., Yokokawa T., Bartlett D.H. (2010) Emerging concepts on microbial processes in the bathypelagic ocean: ecology, biogeochemistry and genomics. Deep Sea Research II, 57: 1519-1536. Abstract.  [Journal home page]

17. Robinson C., Steinberg D.K., Anderson T.R., Arístegui J., Carlson C.A., Frost JR, Ghiglione J.-F. Hernández-León S., Jackson G.A., Koppelmann R., Quéguiner B., Ragueneau O., Rassoulzadegan F., Robison B.H., Tamburini C., Tanaka T, Wishner K.F., Zhang J. (2010) Mesopelagic ecology and biogeochemistry - a synthesis. Deep Sea Research II, 57: 1504-1518.  [Journal home page]

16. Burd A.B., Hansell D.A., Steinberg D.K., Anderson T.R., Arístegui J., Baltar F., Beaupré S.R., Buesseler K.O., DeHairs F., Jackson S.K., Kadko D.C., Koppelmann R., Lampitt R.S., Nagata T., Reinthaler T., Robinson C., Robison B.H., Tamburini C., Tanaka T. (2009) Assessing the Apparent Imbalance Between Geochemical and Biochemical Indicators of Meso- and Bathypelagic Biological Activity: What the @$#! is wrong with present calculations of carbon budgets? Deep Sea Research II, 57: 1557-16571. [Journal home page]

15. Al Ali* B., Garel M., Cuny P., Miquel J.-C., Toubal T., Robert* A., Tamburini C., 2010. Luminous bacteria in the deep-sea waters near the ANTARES underwater neutrino telescope (Mediterranean Sea). Chemistry and Ecology 26 (1), 57-72. Abstract. [Journal home page]

14. Tamburini C., Garel M., Al Ali* B., Mérigot B., Kriwy P., Charrière B. and Budillon G. (2009a). Distribution and activity of Bacteria and Archaea in the different water masses of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Deep Sea Res II 56 (11-12): 700-712. Abstract. [Journal home page]

13. Tamburini C., Goutx M., Guigue C., Garel M., Lefèvre D., Charrière B., Sempéré R., Pepa S., Peterson M. L., Wakeham S., Lee C. (2009b). Effects of hydrostatic pressure on microbial alteration of sinking fecal pellets. Deep-Sea Research II 56 (18): 1533-1546. Abstract.  [Journal home page]

12. La Cono V., Tamburini C., Denaro R., Giuliano L., Yakimov M.M. (2009). Cultivation-independent assessment of the bathypelagic archaeal diversity of Tyrrhenian Sea: comparative study of rDNA and rRNA-derived libraries and influence of sample decompression. Deep-Sea Research II 56 (11-12), 768-773.  Abstract. [Journal home page]

11. Lee C., Armstrong R.A., Cochran J. K., Engel A., Fowler S., Goutx M., Masqué P., Miquel J.C., Peterson M., Tamburini C. and Wakeham S. (2009). MedFlux: Investigations of particle flux in the Twilight Zone. Deep-Sea Research II 56 (18): 1363-1368. Abstract. [Journal home page]

10. Moriceau B., Goutx M., Guigue C., Lee C., Amstrong R., Duflos M., Tamburini C., Charrière B., Ragueneau O. (2009). Si-C interactions during degradation of the diatom Skeletonema marinoi. Deep-Sea Research II 56 (18): 1381-1395.  Abstract. [Journal home page]

9. Danovaro R., Dell'Anno A., Corinaldesi C., Magagnini M., Noble R., Tamburini C., Weinbauer M. (2008). Major viral impact on the functioning of benthic deep-sea ecosystems. Nature, 454 (7208): 1084-1087. Abstract. [Journal home page] 

8. Tamburini C., Garcin J., Grégori G., Leblanc K., Rimmelin P., Kirchman D.L. (2006). Pressure effects on surface Mediterranean prokaryotes and biogenic silica dissolution during a diatom sinking experiment. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 43(3): 267-276. Abstract. Full text in pdf format . [Journal  


7. Aguilar et al. - ANTARES collaboration (2006) First results of the Instrumentation Line for the deep-sea ANTARES neutrino telescope. Astroparticle Physics 26:314-324. Abstract


6. Daffonchio D., Borin S., Brusa T., Brusetti L., van der Wielen P.W.J.J., Bolhuis H., Dauria G., Yakimov M.M., Giuliano L., Marty D., Tamburini C., McGenity T.J., Hallsworth J.E., Sass A.M., Timmis K.N., Tselepides A., de Lange G.J., Hubner A., Thomson J., Varnavas S.P., Gasparoni F., Gerber H.W., Malinverno E., Corselli C. & Biodeep Scientific Party (2006). Stratified prokaryote network in the oxic-anoxic transition of a deep sea halocline.  Nature, 440 (7081): 203-207. Abstract. [Journal home page]


5. Van Der Wielen, P.W.J.J., Bolhuis, H., Borin, S., Daffonchio, D., Corselli, C., Giuliano, L., D'auria, G., De Lange, G.J., Huebner, A., Varnavas, S.P., Thomson, J., Tamburini, C., Marty, D., Mcgenity, T.J., Timmis, K.N. and Biodeep Scientific Party (2005). The Enigma of Prokaryotic Life in Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins. Science, 307: 121-123. Get the Full text article or the Abstract. [Journal home page]


4. Tamburini C. & Tedetti M. (2004). A simple and highly reproducible technique to measure the bacterial respiration of 14C-labeled compounds in seawater samples. Hydrobiologia (523): 1-7. Abstract. [Journal home page]


3. Tamburini C., Garcin J. & Bianchi A. (2003). Role of deep-sea bacteria in organic matter mineralization and adaptation to hydrostatic pressure conditions in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 32 (3): 209-218. Abstract. [Journal home page]


2. Tamburini C., Garcin J., Ragot M., Bianchi A. (2002). Biopolymer hydrolysis and bacterial production under ambient hydrostatic pressure through a 2000 m water column in the NW Mediterranean. Deep-Sea Research II, 49 (11): 2109-2123. Abstract [Full text (pdf)] [Journal home page] 


1. Bonin P., Tamburini C., Michotey V. (2001). Determination of the bacterial processes which are sources of nitrous oxide production in marine samples. Water Research 36 (3): 722-732. Abstract [Full text (pdf)] [Journal home page]

Book chapter  

10. Joux F, Bertrand J-C, De Wit R, Grossi V, Intertagla L, Lebaron P, Michotey V, Normand P, Peyret P, Raimbault P, Tamburini C, Urios L (2015). Methods for Studying Microorganisms in the Environment. In Environmental Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications. Bertrand JC, Caumette P, Lebaron P, Matheron R, Normand P Eds., Springer Netherlands, pp 757-829. doi: 10.1007/978-94-017-9118-2

9. Cuny, P., Grossi, V., Militon, C., Tamburini, C., Stora, G., & Gilbert, F. (2014). Protocols for Subtidal and Deep-Sea Benthic Oil Spill Simulations. In Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology Protocols, Springer Protocols Handbooks, T.J. McGenity et al. (eds.) - Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: pp. 1–12. doi: 10.1007/8623_2014_39

6. Carlson CA, Hansell DA, Tamburini C (2011) DOC persistence and Its fate after export within the Ocean interior. In: N. Jiao FA, S. Sanders (ed) Microbial Carbon Pump in the Ocean, Science/AAAS, Washington, DC, 2011, p 57-59. doi: 10.1126/science.opms.sb0001 . Full text 

5. Joux F, Bertrand J-C, De Wit R, Grossi V, Intertagla L, Lebaron P, Michotey V, Normand P, Peyret P, Raimbault P, Tamburini C, Urios L (2011) Chapitre 17: Méthodes d'études des micro-organismes dans l'environnement. In: Presses Université de Pau (ed) Ecologie microbienne. Microbiologie des milieux naturels anthropisés. Bertrand JC, Caumette P, Lebaron P, pp 795-872  

4. Fuda J.L., Bengara L., Ben Ismail S., Curtil C., El Moumni B., Font J., Lefevre D., Millot C., Taupier-Letage I., Raimbault P., Rougier G., Sammari C., Tamburini C. (2011). Recent danse water formation in the Mediteranean western basin, as observed by Hydrochanges. In: Dynamics of Mediterranean deep waters, F.Briand, J.Font Eds., CIESM Workshop Monographs, 38: pp 29-33.

5. Bertin, V., Brunner, J., Carr, J., Curtil, C., Destelle, J.-J., Deschamps, A., Escoffier, S., Graf, K., Hößl, J., Lahmann, R., Lefèvre, D., Tamburini, C., Schuller, J.-P., van Haren, H., (2011). ANTARES Neutrino Telescope. In: Favali P, de Santis A, Beranzoli P.  (Ed.), Seafloor Observatories. Springer-Praxis Geophysical Sciences publishing.

2. Tamburini C. (2006). Life under pressure. Deep-sea microbial ecology. In: Life as we know it. Series: Cellular Origin and Life in Extreme Habitats and Astrobiology, vol. 10. J. Seckbach Ed. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands: 650 pp.

1. Giuliano L., Tamburini C., Tursi A. & Corselli C. (2003). Deep-sea bacteria: the Mediterranean sea as a model environment. In Mare Incognitum? Exploring Mediterranean deep-sea biology. CIESM Workshop Monographs n°23, 128 pages, CIESM Edition, Monaco: pp 61-66. www.ciesm.org/publications/Heraklion03.pdf

Other publications

2. Tamburini C. & POTES Team. POTES - Pressure effects On marine prokaryoTES, an IMBER endorsed project. IMBER Science Highlight, IMBER Update Issue n°10, June 2008. http://www.imber.info/NL_July_08/IMBER_Update_10.html 

 1. Tamburini C., Bartlett D.H., Colwell R.R., Deming J.W., Kato C., Patching J.W., Turley C.M. Accurately measuring deep-sea microbial activities and their impacts on biogeochemical cycles. IMBER Science Highlight, IMBER Update Issue n°9, February 2008. http://www.imber.info/NL_Feb08/IMBER_Update_09.html  


Tamburini C. (2002). La dégradation du matériel organique profond par les microflores profondes : de la mesure des vitesses potentielles au flux de CO2 généré in situ, Thèse de l'Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille, France : 218 pp. Abstract [Full text (web page)]