List of publications
You will find links towards publications in both statistics and probabilities and applied statistics in environmental sciences. Underlined people were my students.
Accolla C., Nerini D., Maury O., Poggiale J. C. (2015) Analysis of functional response in presence of schooling phenomena: An IBM approach, Progress in Oceanography, 134, 232-243
Bayle S., Monestiez P., Guinet C., Nerini D. (2015) Moving toward finer scales in oceanography: predictive linear functional model of Chlorophyll a profiles from light data, Progress In Oceanography, 134, 221-231
I. D. Pivotto , D. Nerini , M. Masmoudi , H. Kara , L. Chaoui , D. Aurelle (2015) Highly contrasted responses of Mediterranean octocorals to climate change along a depth gradient, J. Roy. Soc Open. Scien., DOI: 10.1098/rsos.140493
Eynaud , D. Nerini , M. Baklouti ,
J.-C. Poggiale (2013) Towards a simplification of models using regression trees,
J. Roy. Soc. Interface, DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2012.0613
Martini S., Nerini D., Tamburini C., 2012. How to analyse bioluminescence time series from in situ observatories ? Example from high frequency records and real time data at the ANTARES site. Luminescence, 27, 139-140
A. Malkassian, D. Nerini, M. A. van Dijk, M. Thyssen, C. Mante, G. Gregori (2012) Functional analysis and classification of phytoplankton based on data from an automated flow cytometer, Cytometry A, 79A, 263–275
F. Morat, Y. Letourneur, D. Nerini, D. Banaru, I. E. Batjakas (2011) Discrimination of red mullet populations (Teleostean, Mullidae) along multi-spatial and ontogenetic scales within the Mediterranean basin on the basis of otolith shape analysis, Aquatic Living Ressources, DOI: 10.1051/alr/2011151
S. Rigaud, O. Radakovitch, D. Nerini, P. Picon, J.M. Garnier (2011). Reconstructing historical trends of Berre lagoon contamination from surface sediment datasets: Influences of industrial regulations and anthropogenic silt inputs, Journal of Environmental Management, 92, 2201-2210
Cordoleani, F., Nerini, D., Gauduchon, M., Morozov, A., Poggiale, J.C. (2011) Structural sensitivity of biological models revisited. J. Theo. Biol., 283, 82-91
Nerini D., Monestiez P. (2009). A cokriging method for spatial functional. data with applications in oceanology, Springer Series in Statistics, 200-217.
J., Francoise, J., P., Nerini, D.
(2009) From biological and clinical experiments to model construction, Phil. Trans. Royal Soc., Series A. 367, 4657-4663
Manté, C., Nerini, D., Viret, J. (2008) Editorial : Characterization and Analysis of Heterogeneity in Biological Systems. Acta Biotheoretica. [ACTA]
Nerini, D., Ghattas, B. (2007) Classifying densities with functional regression trees : an application in oceanology. Computational Statistics and Data Anaysis., 101, 4287-4297
M., Sempéré, R., Vasilkov, V., Charrière, B., Nerini, D., Miller, W., L., Kawamura, K., Raimbault, P. (2007) High
penetration of ultraviolet radiation in the south east Pacific waters, Geophysical Reseach Letters, 34
Syakti A. D., Mazzella N., Nerini D., Guiliano M., Bertrand J. C., Doumenq P. Org. Geochem., (2006), Phospholipid
fatty acids of a marine sedimentary microbial community in a laboratory
microcosm: responses to petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, Org. Geochem. 37, 1617-1628
Poggiale, J.C., Auger, P., Nerini D., Mante, C., Gilbert, F. (2005). Global production increased by spatial heterogeneity in a population dynamics model. Acta Biotheoretica
Miralless G., Nerini
D., Mante C., Acquaviva M., Doumenq P., Michotey V., Nazaret S., Bertrand
J.-C. & Cuny, P., (2005) Effects of spilled oil on microbial communities of
Mediterranean coastal sediments chronically submitted to petrogenic hydrocarbon
contamination. Envir. Microbiol.
N. ; Carcaillet, J. ; Moreno, E. ; Leduc, G. ; Nerini, D (2004) Geomagnetic
moment variation and paleomagnetic excursions since 400 ka BP: A stacked record
of sedimentary sequences of the portuguese margin, Earth and Planetary
Science Letters, 219, 377-396.
D., Durbec J.P., Mante C., (2001).
Localisation de séquences typiques dans une série temporelle multiple.
Application à l’Etang de Berre.
Compte-rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, série IIA, 6 pp
Nerini D., Durbec J.P.,
Mante C., (2000) Analysis of oxygen rates time series in a strongly polluted
lagoon using a regression tree method. Ecol. Mod. 133, 95-105.
Nerini D., Durbec J.P., Mante C., Garcia F., Ghattas, B., (2000). Physico-chemical variables forecasts by a classification tree method. Application to the Etang de Berre (South France). Acta Biotheoretica, (48)